Note: this post has no scientific basis. It is based on assumptions, conjectures and some experiences to take into account when generating and publishing content on LinkedIn. There is some tangible evidence that we might consider in our LinkedIn publications, and others that we might not, that are outside the scope of the algorithm. If you are interested in these paranormal experiences on LinkedIn, this is a post for you…
Everyone knows that a part of the success of our posts, in terms of scope and going viral, will depend on that being known as «The LinkedIn Algorithm» (sounds like a thriller so far). From now on, we’ll call it ALGOR, to make it short, which even sounds like a character of a dark king out of J.R. Tolkien’s magic hat.
We can also take into account more and more research that indicates and advises us on the best days and times to post on LinkedIn. Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays, and from 10 a.m. or from 7 p.m., seem to be the prime-time hours. However, we have to bear in mind that these are indeed the days and times when most people transit LinkedIn Avenue. Does it guarantee that our posts will be a hit if we post at those times and on those days? Not necessarily. There are simply more people on the Street, but there are also more shops (users) open.
And having said all this, is there any element that we could add that might contribute to the success of our publications? Well, here comes the inexplicable, the paranormal, what cannot be measured and escapes ALGOR’s paws: our mood, when it comes to writing and posting. It is a feeling, an impression, something that we have tested on ourselves (and on other professionals) and which, certainly, could have an influence on the evolution of our posts. And no matter how many formulas ALGOR uses, it will never be able to take it away from us. I imagine that, at this point, you want to see some real examples. Well, here they go…
Thoughtful, elaborated and strategic posts
It is about publications where you know perfectly well what you want to convey, the almost exact wording, whether you are going to mention other professionals or entities, which hashtags you plan to include and the format to use. This last point is not so important if the above is included. It can be a text-only post, with a photo or infographic, with a video, link or presentation attached. It almost doesn’t matter.
In many of these posts you will even have decided the day and, more or less, the time. And it doesn’t necessarily have to be at the key times we mentioned before.
Here is an example of a thoughtful, elaborated and strategic post. And posted on a day and at a time that is not exactly prime-time: on a Friday in the early afternoon.
Posting because I feel like it, I don’t even think about it
This mood is an intermediate state of mind between the strategic one mentioned above and the next one we will see. It is a fine wire that, in some cases, may give us good results if it is indeed a state of relaxation that comes with that post. I have to tell you that this state can give us very good outcomes, when we execute one of the options that ALGOR sometimes does not seem to reward very much: the SHARE option.
If the same thing ever happens to you, that is, if you find a post that moves you, that you find very interesting to share, then always include your own introductory nuance. How about a hashtag like #worthsharing? Here is an example of a very instructive post by this interesting professional, Mario Picazo, that we found worth sharing. And this is how it worked out for us…
I have to say something! Anxious posts
This third state of mind is undoubtedly the worst. It refers to that feeling that everyone is active on this network, that everyone is saying cool stuff and I’ve been mute for a day, a week, a month (I don’t care how long…). Posting in such a circumstance is the worst thing you can do, and that reflects on what you post and the results you will get in terms of views and the performance of your post.
Undoubtedly, this anxiety will influence the format of the post (it may not be the best one), the writing of the post and, of course, the involvement of the potential audience. And we can guarantee that it happens. We bring you an example of one of our very own, specifically from a day when anxiety struck. And the result is quite obvious. Nothing more to comment…
Looking at these posts now, and their outcome, we can be sure that the mood in which they were made played a role. And it probably led them one way or the other on LinkedIn.
There are issues that are in your hands when you post. Keep them in mind. Together with what ALGOR wants, of course…
Thanks for being there. We keep connected ….